What is Sahaj Marg?
There are many systems of meditation that exist in the world today, each having different objectives and intentions. Sahaj Marg, meaning “natural path” is the ancient teaching of spiritual training, basing itself on the heart-centered meditation, simplified and modified for people of today’s world. This is a simplified practice, with no rituals or ceremonies, and the power of thought is the only thing used to reach the spiritual goal of complete oneness with the Ultimate.
Meditation is the continuous thought and concentration on one thing, and the founding fathers of Sahaj Marg understand that we meditate on that of which we choose to become. And therefore, with the guidance and spiritual support of the spiritual beliefs that we possess, practitioners meditate on the Divine Presence in the heart as the most direct means of achieving those specific goals.
Integrating the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the human being, the practice of Sahaj Marg encourages people to maintain their routine working life and family.
Cleansing: The teachings of the Sahaj Marg lead us to believe that everything we do and think leave everlasting impressions on both our minds and hearts. During the course of our lifetime, these subconscious impressions build up and begin to deepen into our normal tendencies, conditioning our behavior, therefore preventing us from realizing the potential that can be gained from our spiritual growth.
The Sahaj Marg’s meditation
Transmission: this is the other essential and unique element of the teachings of the Sahaj Marg. It is the transfer of energies from the Spirits to the Aspirant. This long sleeping technique is known as pranahuti in Sanskrit, and was rediscovered by the Grand Master of the previous century. The spirits, who are merged with the ultimate, is thus able to transmit the spiritual essence into the deepest level of the Aspirants heart.
Meditation is the act of thinking continuously about one thing. In meditation, one is receptive, while in focusing, one uses the will. The ability to enhance concentration is a positive byproduct of meditation.
Sahaj Marg morning meditation
Sit comfortably, with your eyes closed, and possess the thought that our heart is filled with the Divine Light. Sitting comfortably is recommended because during the meditation session, you do not want the body to fault and ruin your concentration, so choose a position that you know you will be comfortable with in the next hour. We sit comfortably only so that we are not bothered by our bodies during meditation. If we become uncomfortable, we may change positions.
But do not lie down and meditate, as the relaxation will put us to sleep.
Regarding the light in the heart, we are not to see it or try and see any light in the heart, as it is merely a supposition that the light is there. The prescribed thought should only be for one hour no less.
As we are all human, when we first sit down to meditate, we will have some sort of disturbing thought. We must learn not to attend to those thoughts but ignore them. So in ignoring the thought, you will see that it will just drop off.
This is where it is necessary to know that all thoughts come from inside us, our own thoughts, in the form of samskaras. If we choose to attend to these thoughts when they rise, they will become powerful, multiplying and eventually go back inside. But when we do not attend to them, we allow them to fall away, thus the inner store of Subconscious impressions become exhausted quickly. This is how we reach the state of thoughtlessness during meditation. However you must remember that thoughtlessness is not our goal.
This covers the morning meditation, apart from the fact that it must be performed before sunrise.
Evening Cleaning
Sit for about a half hour, with a suggestion to yourself that all complexities, impurities including grossness and darkness are leaving the whole system through the back in the form of smoke or vapor, and that in their place, the Divine Light is entering your heart. Do not meditate on those things we wish to eradicate, simply brush them off, and then follow the same meditation.
Sahaj Marg is a natural method based on meditation, by which the mind becomes regulated and refined into an instrument capable of evolving to the highest possible spiritual condition.
Family life is considered as the ideal training ground for spirituality. This is where we learn to develop patience, self-discipine, love and sacrifice - all qualities deemed essential for spiritual growth.
Sahaj Marg meditation teaches that every human faculty has legitimate function and that the proper use of all our faculties leads to a balanced life. Thus there are no dogmas or rigid methods of austerity to be followed.
The Sahaj Marg meditation practice is open to all, irrespective of race, sex or religion. The sole criterion is willingness to practice and the ability to regulate one's mind.
What is the best time of day to do the Sahaj marg morning meditation?
At the time when night meets day, i.e. at Dawn, when Nature is in a state of balance. When we meditate at this time, the outside world resonates with the inner state of balance, and our progress is more rapid.
How do we meditate?
We sit in a comfortable position, with eyes closed, and have the thought that the heart is filled with divine light. We are not required to see the heart, nor are we required to imagine the heart.
Why do we meditate on divine light?
Divine light is the closest thing imaginable to the completely abstract, with no material qualities, and thus to our spiritual goal of oneness with the Absolute, God or inner Self.
Why do we meditate on the heart?
Our Teachers have given three reasons. The heart is the seat of life, and so we meditate on the source of life itself. The heart purifies our blood and distributes it through our body. The purification of the system thus commences from the heart.
Do we need a goal or purpose for meditation?
Do we need to concentrate?
While meditating, we should not force the mind into concentrating on divine light in the heart. The process of meditation is natural and subtle. By regularly meditating, the mind will naturally become single-pointed, so concentration naturally results from meditation without force.
To find contact details from around the world and more information on the free courses of Sahaj marg meditation go tohttp://www.srcm.org
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